Our goal is to provide our investors with the tools they need in managing their investments, shares, and aid them to obtain the bigger picture when it comes to the growth of their investments, as well as the financial return.
Risk profiling is a process used to help determine the optimal levels of investment risk to meet your investment objectives.
Get StartedTrack the latest values of your invested shares or units in Cocolife Dollar Builder Fund Inc, United Fund Inc, and Cocolife Fixed Income Fund Inc.
Check Out Historical NAVPS DataFind out the current value of your UFI or CFIFI fund based on the contribution amount and shares held. If you want to know whether it is time to increase your shares, then this calculator should help you in the decision-making process.
Discover your fund's future value, whether it is a defined contribution or a defined benefit. Having an idea of how much financial return you can get in 10 to 30 years time will help you strategize your investments.
Download necessary forms here. For questions, you may send us a message at cocolifefunds@cocolife.com.
8th Floor Cocolife Building, 6807 Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1226
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