The computed Return on Investment (ROI) and market value may differ relative to your actual ROI. The calculator will only provide the gross, indicative yield of investment, therefore excludes the sales load and the documentary stamp tax. For existing clients, please log-in to your account to view your actual fund value and return.
Check and Compute for current fund value and returns
The calculator only provides the gross, indicative yield of investment, therefore excludes sales load and DST. The fund value was computed based on UFI's 10-year annual average rate of return of 7%. However, the fund may incur losses given the volatility in the stock market. Figures above are for illustration purposes only and is not a guarantee of future results. Mutual Funds are not deposit products, and, as such, yields are not guaranteed.
8th Floor Cocolife Building, 6807 Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1226
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