A Mutual Fund is an investment company that pools the funds of many investors or shareholders. Professional fund managers purchase prime securities which usually require a large amount of funds to acquire. Investment returns are passed back to the investors reflected in the Net Asset Value Per Share of the Mutual Fund.
The Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS) is a Mutual Fund’s price per share. Buying and selling Mutual Fund shares are done based on the NAVPS. If you see a NAVPS at P1.00, then you can expect to buy or sell 100 shares for P100. The NAVPS is calculated at the end of each day by dividing the Mutual Fund company’s net assets by the number of its outstanding shares.
Especially for low to average income people, investing in Mutual Funds is a convenient and affordable way of gaining access to investments that would otherwise be available only to wealthy individuals or large institutions. These investments are selected by experienced professionals who devote themselves to tracking the markets, analyzing investments, and implementing an investment strategy which one may have no expertise or time to do so. Aside from this, Investing in Mutual Funds offers:
The return on a Mutual Fund investment is based on the performance of the fund. Mutual Fund yields can neither be fixed nor guaranteed. However, since a Mutual Fund is a diversified investment by nature, the risks are spread and have more chance of growth in returns particularly in the medium and long term.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates the mutual fund industry.
As per SEC guidelines, Mutual Fund returns cannot be guaranteed. Mutual Funds qualify as securities and not deposits. And like any other investments, Mutual Funds have certain amounts of risks like market volatility in the case of equity investments, and interest changes in the case of bond funds. But again, in the medium to long run there is always growth in Mutual Funds due to their wide and varied portfolio, upon which fund managers and the funds themselves operate under strict securities regulations.
Cocolife Asset Management Co. Inc. (CAMCI) is the Principal Distributor and the Investment Company Manager of the following Mutual Funds:
The best time to invest is when you have the money to invest. Remember that time and not timing is the key to successful mutual fund investing. As an investor, your concern should be to have as much time as possible to stay invested. Take the long-term view.
Select investments based on one’s personal circumstances, financial goals, and risk tolerance. Match the fund based on compatible investment style and objective.
One can invest in Mutual Funds through a one-time investment payment, but investing regularly can be a better way to build up a significant amount through the cost averaging strategy.
You can now open an account in United Fund, Inc. and Cocolife Fixed Income Fund, Inc. for as low as 1,000 Pesos. To invest in Cocolife Dollar Fund Builder, Inc., the minimum amount is 1,000 US Dollars*
For as low as 500 Pesos, you can add to your investments in United Fund, Inc., and Cocolife Fixed Income Fund. For Cocolife Dollar Fund Builder, Inc., the minimum additional investment is 500 US Dollars*
*Additional fees/charges may apply for US dollar bank transactions. For more details please message us via our Official Facebook Messenger or email cocolifefunds@cocolife.com.
A sales load or entry fee will be charged on initial and subsequent investments made by an investor. The fee will be applied to the NAVPS or the selling price for the day. The applicable sales load rate shall not exceed three percent (3%) of NAVPS. Documentary Stamp Taxes (DST) shall be applied upon each investment transaction computed at P2.00 for every P200 of Shares at Par Value.
A password-protected official receipt and investment confirmation will be sent to the investor’s official email address within the next two days from the date of investment.
Yes, one can switch to another fund of the same denomination anytime. The first switch shall be free of charge. However, Documentary Stamp Taxes will be collected for each switch.
100 shares are needed to maintain an account. Anything lower will impose a full redemption transaction.
The investor must provide the following:
A Statement of Account (SOA) shall be sent to the investor every quarter as required by the SEC. An investor can check the SOA anytime by registering and logging into the Cocolife Asset Management Investors’ SOA Portal on its website (https://cocolifeasset.com.ph). All investors will receive a daily SMS indicating the NAVPS for the day. Investors may also call the Investor Relations Office (IRO) of Cocolife Asset Management at (02)88101888, during business hours.
If unable to receive the daily NAVPS and alerts from CAMCI, Call the CAMCI IRO at (02)88101888 or report this to the assigned Investment Specialist.
An SMS notification will be received by the investor containing a temporary portal password. Call CAMCI IRO at (02)88101888 or email cocolifefunds@cocolife.com for further inquiries.
Updated investment balances may be viewed 2 days after the date of investment.
Shares held for less than 180 days will be subject to a redemption fee not to exceed 1%, deducted from the NAVPS for the day.
Proceeds will be deposited to the investor’s bank account between 3 to 5 working days from the date of receipt of the fully accomplished redemption form.
Yes. Investors have immediate access to their money by redeeming or selling shares at the fund’s Net Asset Value Per Share, determined at the end of each trading day.
An accomplished and duly signed Redemption Form is required to redeem shares.
All existing investors as well as new investors with GCash accounts can invest via GCash.
For All Investors
Step 1: Login to GCash, Click Bills tab then Payment Solutions tab.
Step 2: Select your Mutual Fund you want to invest in: United Fund Inc., (UFI) or Cocolife Fixed Income Fund Inc. (CFIFI)
Step 3: Enter your Transaction Information
Step 4: Download GCash Payment Receipt and send to cocolifefunds@cocolife.com
For New Investors
Step 5: Download and Fill Out Forms
Step 6: Scan 2 Valid IDs and Send with Forms via Email to cocolifefunds@cocolife.com
For detailed step by step, please read our article on GCash.
A screenshot of the Transaction Details from your Transaction History may be taken and sent as an alternative proof of transfer.
You can use any 2 government issued IDs such as Driver’s License, Passport, Philhealth ID, Postal ID, Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) ID, SSS Card, etc.
The minimum initial investment for new accounts is P1,000.
The minimum amount for succeeding investment transactions is P500.
The maximum amount per investment transaction is P100,000.
Note: Standard GCash guidelines on account profile limits will apply.
Currently there is a P10 Convenience Fee per transaction to be shouldered by the Investor. Other fund transfer fees directly or indirectly related to the investor’s GCash/ Bank transfers shall also be borne by the same.
You can invest anytime and anywhere using GCash. The Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS) shall be based on the time and date of your GCash bills payment transaction. Standard 12 noon cut-off guidelines shall apply.
The Official Receipt for your investment will be prepared and sent to you after all transaction information, account opening requirements, and fund remittance have been verified and confirmed by CAMCI.
Open your GCash application and click the HELP tab to access the GCash Help Center.
Please contact the CAMCI Investor Relation Office (IRO) at (02)88-101-888, email cocolifefunds@cocolife.com, or message CAMCI Official Facebook page.
The regular updating of investor information is highly recommended. Contact the assigned Investment Specialist or call the CAMCI IRO for assistance on account information updating. Fill-out the Client Update Form which is available at www.cocolifeasset.com/downloadable-forms.
The proceeds will go to the investor’s compulsory heir under the rules on succession.
Investment accounts will be endorsed to another Investment Specialist to ensure the continuous and smooth flow of transactions.
Yes, just submit an accomplished request for Certificate of Investment.
Advise the assigned Investment Solicitor of the account of the request and submit an accomplished Amendment Form, Account Opening Form, Signature Card, and Photocopy of 2 Government Issued IDs.
Dividends, if any, and the direct issuance thereof to investors are dependent on the declaration and directive of the Mutual Fund’s Board of Directors.
Please talk to the assigned Investment Specialist or contact CAMCI Sales at camci.sales@cocolife.com.
8th Floor Cocolife Building, 6807 Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1226
Copyright © 1999-2025 Cocolife Asset Management Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.